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An Operational Permit is required for Exhibitions, Trade Shows, Fairs, and Carnivals; Temporary Membrane Structures per the City of Durango adopted 2018 International Fire Code o-2022-0003. La Plata County adopted 2015 IFC Ord. 2023-01.

Allow 45 days for review after full submittal, including fees.

A minimum of 48-business hour notice is required for all inspections.


What to include in your Plan Submittal (PDF Only):

  • Indicate exhibitor/vendor/performer location layout for event. Provide detailed exhibitor/vendor/performer list by name and use of space.
  • Food Vending/Food Trucks
    • Include names and contact information for vendor/truck operator(s).
  • Tents/canopies –Total continuous aggregate area 700 square feet or larger.
    • Indicate tent/canopy location distance to other combustibles (buildings/vegetation), fire extinguisher location, “No Smoking/Exit signage”, heating appliance, generator, seating arrangement and number of chairs, means of egress, side panels, lighting/electrical, and method of anchoring structure. Include Flame Retardant Cert(s).
  • Number of rides (if applicable)
  • Crowd Manager Training Certificates (Indoor Event 500+ people/Outdoor Event 1000+ people)
    • Training shall be completed and attained through the National Association of State Fire Marshals Crowd Manager Program or equivalent as approved by the fire code official.
  • You will be invoiced electronically. From there, you can pay electronically or bring a check payable to Durango Fire Protection District.


A. Means of egress
B. Location and widths of exits and aisles
C. Seating arrangement plan
D. Location of exit signs
E. Total square footage of spaces
F. Location and arrangement of all booths and cooking equipment
G. Location of all fire protection equipment
H. The type and location of any heating or electrical equipment
I. Location of any covered or multiple-level booths
J. Construction drawings of any covered or multiple-level booths
K. The storage locations and quantities of any highly combustible goods
L. The location and type of any vehicle displays
M. The location, type, and quantity of hazardous material

  • LPG/propane is limited indoors to 12 pounds or less of water capacity (N107.5)
  • Where more than one propane/LPG is present, they shall be separated by a minimum of 10 feet.

N. Fire safety and Evacuation Plan
O. Expected number of event attendees & staff




SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENT OF EVENT LAYOUT (See Submittal Requirements at the top.)
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